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Friday, April 19, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 5

So today is day 5 on the Ultimate Reset and my weigh in this morning revealed no weight loss.  I am still at 198lbs down from 204lbs at the start.  Today was a little bit of a challenge because I was running around town taking care of things.  I didn't get time to eat my snack in between lunch and dinner and I was definitely hungry by the time dinner rolled around.


Today's breakfast was a quinoa rice cereal with half an apple, walnuts, and some maple syrup.  While I was making this slop I was convinced that I wasn't going to like it, but the addition of the crunch walnut and the sweetness of the maple syrup really saved this dish.  It was really good and filling.


For lunch I had a raw veggie plate with hummus, carrots, string beans, red bell pepper, and some salsa.  It called for chopped tomatoes but I'm just not feeling all the tomatoes, but I can stomach salsa so I did the switcharoo.  On the side was a bowl of quinoa salad.  The quinoa salad had chopped cucumber and tomato in it.  I can handle the tomato if it is masked in something else, but not by itself.


I knew from reading ahead yesterday that today's dinner was stir fry vegetables like yesterday, but it had miso soup on the side.  Well when I made it home I read the wrong recipe and made the dinner from day 4 again.  Oh well I wasn't off by much, just made a salad instead of a soup and quinoa instead of brown rice.

So today was a little hectic, but I stayed committed to the Ultimate Reset.  Before the reset I would have given into hunger while I was out and bought some food somewhere.  It's going to take more then that to get me off track.  I really want to get the best results possible and stay true to this program.

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