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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 16

Today the scale read 187lbs so I'm still staying steady at that weight.  I'm really looking forward to finishing up this program because I'm ready to add some different variety to my diet.  So far I'm not overly enthusiastic about phase three.  The elimination of grains and legumes is making these meals less appealing.  Today's dinner for example was cauliflower and kale...not so exciting.


Monday, April 29, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 15

Today was a very hectic day and unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to take pictures of lunch or dinner.  On a more positive note, I weighed in at 187lbs this morning down from 189lbs yesterday.  Today marked the first day of the final phase of the Ultimate Reset.  Phase 3 is called Restore and this week will eliminate grains and legumes to focus on a simple, cleansing, fruit and vegetable based diet.  The portions of vegetables will increase due to the lack of grains.  All of the breakfasts will be fruit plates from this point on.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 14

No change of weight when I jumped onto the scale today.  I am steady at the 189lb mark and I have a feeling that the weight loss is going to dramatically slow during the next phase that is coming up tomorrow.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 13

I was shocked this morning when the scale read 189lbs. Yesterday's weight was 192lb and I wasn't expecting a drop like that! This program is proving its effectiveness daily.  Since starting the Beachbody programs I have lost 36lbs and I went from wearing 38 size pants to now wearing much smaller.  In honesty I'm not sure what my pant size is because I'm still wearing my 36 pants with a belt:

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 12

Day 12 of Beachbody's Ultimate Reset starts off great with another pound lost on the scale.  I am down to 192lbs from the 204lbs at the start.  So 12 days and 12 pounds lost...not bad!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 11

Today's weight revealed only a slight loss of 0.2lbs after getting on the scale.  I'm okay with that, I think my body is getting really close to that base line weight of where I would be if I maintained a healthy diet and wasn't working out to put on size.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 10

So I got on the scale first thing this morning and my weight has remained 193lbs.  No weight loss for today, but I'm okay with that.  I am still feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to take on day 10.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 9

So another day and another pound lost.  I weighed in at 193lbs putting my total weight loss at 11 pounds since starting the Beachbody Ultimate Reset.  I'm thinking the weightloss is going to slow down, but I don't know when.  I am going to shoot for losing 20lbs by the end of the program.

I wanted to do a quick video and talk about the new supplement I have been taking on week 2.  Detox:

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 8

I was in shock this morning when I got on the scale and the number read 194lbs.  I just keep steadily losing weight on this program.  I have lost a total of 10 pounds already and I'm not even half way done!  I don't expect the number to keep moving down at this rate, but I will take it while I can.

So today marks day 1 of phase 2 called Release.  During the Release phase, I will be completely eliminating animal products, including dairy, eggs, and meat.  I will move into a more vegetable, fruit, and whole-grain based diet.  Every breakfast will include fresh fruit and I am to avoid eating more then 3 servings so I won't be taking in too much sugar.  I am also introduced to a new supplement called Detox.  The Detox helps remove toxins and waste in the colon, according to the book that came with the Ultimate Reset.  I'm not sure what they put in it, but it must work very gently because I have not had to run to the bathroom without warning at all today.  Hope I'm not venturing into the "Too Much Information" territory, but I'm just trying to give everyone an idea on what my experience is like on this program.  Yours may be different.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 7

Today is a special day for me because it marks my day 90 of doing Beachbody programs.  I started my Beachbody journey on January 21st with P90X and Shakeology.  I was hoping to lose at least 20 pounds during those 90 days, but after weighing in this morning at 195lbs it looks like I crushed that goal!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 6

The weight keeps coming off with the Ultimate Reset!  I jumped on the scale first thing this morning and I am down to 197lbs.  That is a total of 7 pounds in 5 days of the reset.  I don't know what to expect anymore because I didn't think I would lose that much weight that fast.  This program really works!


Friday, April 19, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 5

So today is day 5 on the Ultimate Reset and my weigh in this morning revealed no weight loss.  I am still at 198lbs down from 204lbs at the start.  Today was a little bit of a challenge because I was running around town taking care of things.  I didn't get time to eat my snack in between lunch and dinner and I was definitely hungry by the time dinner rolled around.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 4

So more good news to report from the scale - I am down to 198lbs.  Another day and another pound lost!  I'm feeling good about the routine and now I'm just looking forward to cooking and trying things I have never tried.


Today's breakfast was super easy and super tasty.  A plate of fresh fruit with some plain yogurt sweetend with maple syrup in the middle.  Who wouldn't enjoy this?  I forgot how much I love kiwis too!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 3

Ok first thing first, I weighed in and I have some exciting news....I am officially out of the 200s!  Yesterdays weight was 201lbs and today's was 199lbs.  Woohoo!  Excited to be over that hurdle finally.  That put me at 5lb weight loss with just two days of the reset behind me.  How come I didn't discover this program earlier?


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 2

Today I woke up and the first thing I did was hop on the scale.  Yesterdays starting weight was 204lbs and today's was 201lbs!  Three pounds down after the first day...sounds good to me!  After that I drank a big glass of water and started making my breakfast.

The Big Shake-Off: Like Comparing Apples and…Tang

This is a must read about comparing Shakeology to the other "health" and "protein" shakes that are on the market. You never know when you are going to run into a BodybyVi or Herbalife person who is claiming to have a superior product. It is important to understand what makes Shakeology different. Here is a very well explained and easily read article by Carl Daikeler

How To Compare Shakeology

Or, “How Do I Really Know If This is Worth the Money When Everything Else Costs Less?”

There are many “protein shakes” and meal replacements that are less expensive than Shakeology. But  comparisons – based on the simple “protein shake” or even “health shake” are usually off the mark because of intangibles like quality of sourcing, efficacy, and the delicate balance of incredible health benefits and delicious flavor that is unique to Shakeology.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Ultimate Reset Day 1

After finishing my 90 day program with P90X and Shakeology I had a lot of options for what program I wanted to try next.  Between Insanity and Body Beast and all the other fitness programs I had a hard time deciding.  In the end though my decision didn't lead me to another fitness program.  Instead I chose Beachbody's 21 Day Cleanse called The Ultimate Reset.  I know that nutrition plays such a huge part in getting fit and healthy.  I can workout till I'm drenched in sweat, but if I'm not fueling my body with the right things then it is all in vain.  Now I have learned a lot already about eating healthy and the addition of Shakeology was a game changer in my results, but I still have much to learn when it comes to eating right.  I have never been one who is afraid to get in the kitchen and cook up some good food.  I just need to be inspired and have a recipe and the instructions laid out for me.  That is where the Ultimate Reset is so amazing.  It lays out every meal and snack for the next 21 days for me.  In addition, I will be taking some supplements that are going to help me with detoxifying my body through a gentle cleanse.  No running to the toilet here!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Station is an illusion--It constantly outdistances us


By Robert J. Hastings

         TUCKED AWAY in our subconscious minds is an idyllic vision in which we see ourselves
on a long journey that spans an entire continent. We're traveling by train and, from the 
windows, we drink in the passing scenes of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at
crossings, of cattle grazing in distant pastures, of smoke pouring from power plants, of row
upon row upon row of cotton and corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of city skylines and
village halls.